Cudos: a blockchain network to democratize and give transparency to the web3

On this path towards web3, it is necessary to use platforms that counteract the current centralization in the hands of large technology corporations. Cudos, as a whole blockchain launch platform, is endowed with features that make it an ideal option for developments related to the metaverse, DAO and cloud computing, in a completely decentralized and transparent way.

A decentralized metaverse

Everyday projects related to the metaverse advance more, which is why it is necessary to look for decentralized alternatives for this type of purpose. Let us bear in mind that if the projects are based on the current large platforms, centralization by the large technology companies would hold users captive in a spiral of manipulation.

Cudos presents the necessary characteristics to allow the development of completely decentralized metaverses, granting wide advantages. On the one hand, by not depending on central entities, projects can be deployed with more transparency. This is necessary to move towards a web3, which is equipped with greater guarantees for the participants.

The biggest drawback of web2 lies precisely in the massive centralization of data in the hands of large technology companies. This has led to the information provided being used for different purposes for which it was provided. Mainly these corporations have taken absolute control over our privacy, which goes against the primary goals related to freedom on the web.

The potential of DAOs and the technical capabilities of Cudos

One of the elements that resonates the most these days are the DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). This new organizational model allows greater democracy to be provided to different areas through voting, which is carried out by its members to realize certain elections. This type of tool can be used in the new web era, being able to make more appropriate and democratic decision-making.

Cudos has great potential to incorporate DAOs in projects that require computing capacity at scale with blockchain support. In this way, this type of organization could be used for large projects, without concern for technical capabilities. In this blockchain, decentralization is guaranteed, providing an extra layer of security.

Undoubtedly, these types of elements are useful to provide greater democratization throughout the web infrastructure, where the user is the central axis of the issue.

Greater transparency

One of the issues criticized on web2 is the lack of transparency that exists on the part of renowned corporate platforms. The new generation blockchains can remedy this, since they have greater tools for data management, in a transparent manner.

This is one of the key objectives in the development of the Cudos mainnet, in order to launch a product that is up to the task. Users will no longer have to worry about the use of their data, since this is a matter that will be recorded in the blockchain and can be consulted at any time. In this way, it can be guaranteed that all the information is intended for its purpose.

Another of the advantages present in Cudos is the possibility of using distributed computing in the cloud for the management of processes that require a large computing capacity and additional security parameters, through blockchain support. In this way, taking advantage of the underutilized power of the devices, a better use of resources can be achieved, while at the same time a benefit is obtained for all the parties involved.


One of the biggest drawbacks of web2 is the improper use of data, something that can be remedied with new generation blockchain networks. Cudos has all the necessary features to grant greater democratization in terms of decision-making. This blockchain network makes it possible to ensure the necessary decentralization, to adopt a web3 model endowed with greater transparency and backed by blockchain security, being practically incorruptible.

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